This page last changed on Oct 18, 2006 by jesper.

Components are used to execute custom business Logic in a Mule application. Most components will are bespoke and are written according to application requirements. However, Mule does ship with a number of components that allow you to execute BPEL, Rules, Scripts and more inside Mule.

BPEL Component - Execute BPEL processes using PXE BPEL engine.

REST Service Wrapper - Proxy remote call to REST style web services as local components.

Scripting Component - Run scripts (JSR-223) as Mule components.

Simple components

These are useful for testing -

  1. EchoComponent - will send back whatever you send it. Can be found at org.mule.components.simple.EchoComponent.
  2. LogComponent - Will log any events it receives to the console. Can be found at org.mule.components.simple.LogComponent.
  3. NullComponent - Will throw an exception if invoked. This is used when setting up a forwarding/pipeline component where a message is received on one endpoint and piped directly to another without invoking a component. Can be found at [org.mule.components.simple.NullComponent | .html].
Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27